Facultatea de Istorie si Geografie

        Departamentul de Geografie


Elena Maria EMANDI



Status: PhD assistant professor

Phone: + 4 0740 073 865

Fax: +40 0230 520 080

Room number: E207

E-mail: maria_emandi@yahoo.com

Postal address: University of Suceava, Universitatii 13, RO 720225, Suceava, ROMANIA




Degree in Philology - English Language and Literature – French Language and Literature (1999), Facullty of Letters abd Sciences, „Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania

M.A. in Philology – The Semiotics of Language in Mass Media and Advertising (2002)

PhD in Philology (2007), „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, with the thesis: “The Style of the Gothic Novel”

Research Interests :

  • Literary srylistics
  • Gothic studies
  • Gender studies
  • Psycholinguistics

Representative Publications:


Elena-Maria Rusu, “Stylistic Devices in a Vampire Story” in Horia Hulban (editor), Style in Language, Discourses and Literature, ISBN 973-86187-9-7, pp. 343-361;

Ana-Maria Fomin, Elena-Maria Rusu, Teste de limba engleză, ISBN 973-0-03251-3, 137 p.

Elena-Maria Rusu, “Gothic Style Revisited: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” in Horia Hulban (editor), Style in Language, Discourses and Literature, II, ISBN 973-766-23-6, pp. 202-220

Selected articles(2001 – 2009):

Elena-Maria Rusu (2001), “A Historical View on Gender Discourse” in 3rd International Conference of PhD Students, University of Miskolc, Hungary, ISBN 963 661 480 6, pp. 155-159;

Elena-Maria Rusu (2001), “Maps and Their Semiotics” in Analele Universităţii „Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava, Secţiunea Geografie- Geologie, Anul VIII – 1999, pp. 141-143;

Elena-Maria Rusu (2002), “Features of Gender Discourse” în Gender Studies, vol. 1, No. 1/2002, Editura Universităţii de Vest, Timişoara, pp. 41-46;

Elena-Maria Rusu (2002), “Discursive Connections between Cartography and Literature” in Shakespereana 2001 – The Bulletin of the Students’ Seventh National Shakespeare Symposium, Editura Fundaţiei Universitare „Dunărea de Jos”, Galaţi, 2002, ISBN 973-8352-34-7, pp. 30-35;

Elena-Maria Rusu (2003), “Synthetic View on Gender Discourse” in Living in between and on Borders, Ed. Universitas XXI, Iaşi, pp.526-529;

Elena-Maria Rusu (2003), “Stylistic Devices in the Portrait of the Vampire” in 4th International Conference of PhD Students, University of Miskolc, Hungary, ISBN 963 661 585 3, pp 249-254;

Elena-Maria Rusu (2004), “The Presence of the Gothic – from Architecture to Literature”, in Şcoala, Anul VII, nr. 1/2-2004, ISSN 1453 9063, pp. 141-144;

Elena-Maria Rusu (2004), “The Act of Interruption in Conversation” in Analele Universităţii „Ştefan cel Mare”, Lingvistică, Tomul VIII 2000-2002, Editura Universităţii Suceava, ISSN 1584-2878, pp. 176-179;

Elena-Maria Rusu (2004), Feminine “Roles” in Dracula by Bram Stoker in Gender Studies, Vol. 1, No. 3/2004, pp. 173- 178;

Elena-Maria Rusu (2004), Learning Geography Better with Graphic Representations, în Збiрник Науковых Праць. Сучаснi тенденцiï комп‘ютеризацiï процесу навчання iноземних мов Луганськ, pp. 40-44

Elena-Maria Rusu (2004), “Spaţiu şi cultură: structurile rectangulare şi conotaţiile acestora” in Analele Universităţii „Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava, Geografie, Anul XI - 2002, Editura Universităţii Suceava, ISSN 1583-1469, pp. 113-116

Elena-Maria Rusu (2005), “Enigmatic Femininity in R. L. Stevenson’s Strange Story”, in Gender Studies, Vol. 1, No. 4/2005, ISSN 1583-980X, pp. 39-46

Elena-Maria Rusu (2005), “Stylistics and the Gothic Text”, in The Fellowship of Cultural Rings, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, R.A. Bucuresti, ISBN 973-30-1259-9, pp. 311-318

Elena-Maria Rusu (2006), “Language of Monstrosity in Henry Jekyll’s Full Statement of the Case”, in Constructions of Identity, Napoca Star, Cluj-Napoca, ISBN 973-647-355-4, pp. 431-440

Elena Maria Emandi (2007), “The Aesthetic Identity of the Gothic Literary Text” in 6th International Conference of PhD Students, ISBN 978 963 661 783 7, ISBN 978 963 661 777 6, pp 51-58

Elena Maria Emandi (2007), “The Stylistic Identity of the Gothic Literary Text” in 6th International Conference of PhD Students, ISBN 978 963 661 783 7, ISBN 978 963 661 777 6, pp 59-64

Elena Maria Emandi (2007), “The Gothic Spirit – From the Middle Ages to the Gothic Revival”, in Limbaje si comunicare IX (partea a doua) – Evolutia si functionarea limbii – perspective normative in noul context european, Editura Universitatii Suceava, ISSN: 1843-6714, pp. 259-265

Last revised: 21.11.2009
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Str. Universităţii, nr. 13, 720 229 Suceava, Romania, tel: +40 230 216147 / 511, e-mail: radoane@eed.usv.ro

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