Faculty of History and Geography




Every 2 years, the Department of Geography organizes the International Symposium Environmental Quality and Land Use. This symposium is one with tradition, already reaching the tenth edition.


You can visit the pages of this symposium for its last editions:



Besides this traditional scientific manifestation, the Department of Geography has recently hosted a series of conferences and workshops, the most important being:


International Workshop "Climate change in the Carpathian - Balkan region during the late Pleistocene and Holocene" (Suceava, 9-12 June 2011)


International Workshop "Interdisciplinarity in geoscience in the Carpathian basin" (Suceava, 18-21 October 2012)


Seminaire universitaire de recherche: "La migration des professionnels de sante - strategies migratoires et construction identitaire", juin 2013, Universite "Stefan cel Mare" de Suceava


Conference Internationale: "L'impact et les tendances de la migration internationale des professionnels de sante sur le developpement", octobre 2013, Universite "Stefan cel Mare" de Suceava


The 19-th National Symposium of Geomorphology (Suceava, 31 May - 2 June 2013)


The National Conference "Atmosphere and Hydrosphere - Interdisciplinary knowledge, manifestation, evolution, exploitation, protection, importance" (Suceava, 28-29 March 2014)


The International Conference "Atmosphere and Hydrosphere" (Suceava, 24 September 2016)


Scientific conference "Migration et mobilites - Tendances, strategies migratoires et impacts" (Suceava, 27-28 May 2016)


Colloque international "La dynamique de paysages culturels integrant des aires avec des friches minieres. Retrospectives et perspectives geographiques en Bucovine (Roumanie) et en Wallonie (Belgique)" (Suceava, 12-13 mai 2017)


Workshop "Field studies in orthotidal potamology" (Suceava, 30 September 2017)


Workshop "Prefaceri Contemporane in Organizarea Spatiului Bucovinean" (Suceava, 26 April 2018)