Faculty of History and Geography






Grad didactic: lector universitar dr.

Cursuri si seminarii: orar USV



Telefon: +4 0230 216147 / 556

Fax: +4 0230 523742

Birou: E207

E-mail: maria.emandi@gmail.com

Pagina internet personala: -

Adresa postala: Universitatea Stefan cel Mare, str. Universitatii, nr. 13, RO720225, Suceava, Romania


Curriculum Vitae

Standard CV F7 USV: CV pdf


Activitatea stiintifica


Teza de doctorat

Titlul tezei de doctorat

The Style of the Gothic Novel

Anul si locul sustinerii tezei de doctorat

2007, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi


Principalele 3 domenii de interes

Limba engleza

Literatura engleza

Romanul gotic


Publicatii stiintifice


Articole stiintifice

In jurnale cu factor de impact


  • -

In jurnale indexate in baze de date internationale


  • Elena Maria Emandi (2007), "The Gothic Spirit - From the Middle Ages to the Gothic Revival", in Limbaje si comunicare IX (partea a doua) - Evolutia si functionarea limbii - perspective normative in noul context european, Editura Universitatii Suceava, ISSN: 1843-6714, pp. 259-265
  • Elena Maria Emandi (2007), "The Stylistic Identity of the Gothic Literary Text" in 6th International Conference of PhD Students, ISBN 978 963 661 783 7, ISBN 978 963 661 777 6, pp 59-64
  • Elena Maria Emandi (2007), "The Aesthetic Identity of the Gothic Literary Text" in 6th International Conference of PhD Students, ISBN 978 963 661 783 7, ISBN 978 963 661 777 6, pp 51-58
  • Elena Maria Emandi (2010) Kiev, "Beginnings of the Gothic Novel in English and American Literature - A Comparative Approach"
  • Elena Maria Emandi (2012), "A Case of Altered Gothic: The Monk by Matthew Gregory Lewis", in International Journal of Business and Social Science ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219- 6021 (Online), pp. 316 -322
  • Elena Maria Emandi (2013), "Women Who Have Fear of Uncle Silas: A Stylistic Approach" in Gender Studies, Volume 12, Issue 1
  • Elena Maria Emandi, (2013) "Early Gothic Fiction in English Literature" in The Scientific Journal of Humanistic Studies, 9/year 5/ November 2013, ISSN 2066-8880
  • Elena Maria Emandi, (2014) "Poe's Gothic in The Fall of the House of Usher - A Stylistic Approach" in Metamorfoze Continue, Argonaut Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2014, ISBN 978-973-109-478-6
  • Elena Maria Emandi, (2014) "Seniors in Commercials - A Semio-Stylistic Approach", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences,Reference: SBSPRO18537, Elsevier Limited, United Kingdom

Carti in edituri recunoscute CNCS


  • Elena Maria Emandi (2012), Curs de Limba Engleza, Bucuresti, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, 2014, ISBN 978-973-30-3645-6


Participarea la conferinte stiintifice nationale si internationale

  • Conferinta Internationala "Constructions of Identity" (editia a 4a), Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Litere, Catedra de Limba Engleza, cu lucrarea Dorian Gray's Chess Game with Himself
  • Conferinta Internationala "Mapping the Future - Permanence and Change", Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", 23-26 Martie 2005, cu lucrarea "The Sense of Decay in The Custom House"
  • Colocviul International OMUL SI MITUL. Fiinta umana si aventura spiritului intru cunoastere. Dimensiune mitica si demitizare , Suceava, 3-5 noiembrie 2005, Universitatea Stefan cel Mare Suceava, Facultatea de Litere si Stiinte ale Comunicarii, Catedra de Limba si Literatura Romana, cu lucrarea Gothicism and Myth
  • "6th International Conference of PhD Students", University of Miskolc, Hungary cu lucrarile "The Stylistic Identity of the Gothic Literary Text" si "The Aesthetic Identity of the Gothic Literary Text", august 2007
  • International conference "Multicultural creative activity" organized by Institute for the Humanities and the Institute of International Relations cu lucrarea "Beginnings of the Gothic Novel in English and American Literature - A Comparative Approach", April 12-13, 2010
  • "British and American Studies" Conference organized by the University of the West Timisoara, English Department, 19-21 May 2011 cu lucrarea "Containing Otherness through Rational Detection: Feminine Characters in A.C. Doyle"
  • "British and American Studies" Conference organized by the University of the West Timisoara, English Department, 17-19 May 2012 cu lucrarea "Conflicted Vision upon Women in Nathaniel Hawthorne"
  • "British and American Studies" Conference organized by the University of the West Timisoara, English Department, 19-21 May 2013 cu lucrarea "Women Who Have Fear of Uncle Silas: a Stylistic Approach"
  • "VIIth International Conference on Constructions of Identity", organized by Babe?-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Department of English Language and Literature, 24-25 October 2013, cu lucrarea "Language and Atmosphere in Uncle Silas"
  • The Fourth International Conference on Adult Education "Adult Education in Universities. Local and Regional Perspectives", 27-30 April 2014, Iasi, cu lucrarea "Seniors in Commercials - A Semio-Stylistic Approach"
  • The 24th International Conference on British and American Studies, May 15-17, 2014, Timisoara cu lucrarea "The Trap of Stereotypes in Romanian Commercials Involving Seniors"


Participarea la proiecte de cercetare castigate prin competitie


  • Participare in cadrul retelei de excelenta Cliohres Net Project, FP 6 Thematic Workgroup 5 "Frontiers and Identities": Creating Links and Innovative Overviews for a New History Research Agenda for the Citizens of a Growing Europe"
  • The First Annual CLIOHRES Plenary Conference and Working Meeting, Pisa, 11-12 December 2005
  • The Second Annual CLIOHRES Plenary Conference and Working Meeting, Reykjavik, 8-9 December 2006
  • The Third Annual CLIOHRES Plenary Conference and Working Meeting, Praga, 28-29 November 2008
  • TWG 5 (Frontiers and Identities) Workshops held in:
  • Toulouse 16-19 February 2006
  • Galway- 8-9 septembrie 2006
  • TWG 5 Bratislava 16/17 February 07 2007