Cucuteni B with Painted Anthropomorphic Representations, discovered at
Fetesti - La Schit (Suceava County) ....................................................................... 3
on the Territory of Suceava County
(pictures) ......................................................... 13
Sergiu Enea,
Homo Simbolicus. Considerations on the Symbolism of the Archaic
Thought reflected in the Work of Mircea Eliade ...................................................... 49
Moldavia and Tatars during the 15th Century from the Perspective of Historical
Sources ............................................................................................................ 57
Ana-Maria Pop,
Political and Administrative Medieval Structures on the Territory
of Barsa Land (9th - 18th Centuries) ..................................................................... 77
Mihai Lazar,
Some Taxation Policies of Foreigners on the Territory of Moldavia
in the 18th Century ............................................................................................. 93
Mirela Beguni,
Ecclesiastical Patrimony and the Situation of Orthodox Clergy
from Moldavia reflected in the Pre-Regulamentary Catagraphies ............................ 107
in Bukovina ...................................................................................................... 131
Oleksandr Ogui (Chernivtsi),
Financial bonds market in Bukovina, during the
Austrian Administration: Stages of Formation and Development
(1790/1870-1914/1918) ...................................................................................... 141
Dinu Balan,
Romanian Nationalism during the Period 1831-1866: Some General
Specifications .................................................................................................. 157
Lucian Stanescu,
Progressive Traditions of Romanian Constitutionalism ......................... 167
War of Independence ........................................................................................ 189
Vlad Gafita,
Societies with Political Character and National Movement of
Romanians from Bukovina at the end of the 19th Century ..................................... 201
(1919-1939) ...................................................................................................... 223
Adina Grigore,
Mihail Manoilescu during the Elections in Neamt County .......................... 241
Dumitru Staniloae (1903-1993): the Imprisonment (1958-1963) .............................. 251
Doina-Maria Creanga,
Conservation of Archaeological Artifacts of Leather ........................ 265
Alexandrina Cutui,
The Icon "Crucifixion" Restoring and Conservation .............................. 273
Dumitru Vitcu,
Nationalism and Modernization in the Romanian 19th Century .................. 277
Epochal Event: The Romanian Revolution from December 1989 ............................ 283
Acad. Radu Grigorovici, Bukovina between millenniums. Studies and
Documents, Foreword by D. Vatamaniuc, honourable member of the
Romanian Academy; a volume edited by Rodica Marchidan and
Rodica Iatencu, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing House,
2006, 490 p. (Mihai Iacobescu) ........................................................................ 293
Dimitrie Vatamaniuc, Bukovina between Occident and Orient. Studies
and documents, Preface by Acad. Stefan Stefanescu, Bucharest,
Romanian Academy Publishing House, 2006, 685 p. (Mihai Iacobescu) ............... 297
Olimpia Mitric,
A less known Bibliographic Document: the Inventory of the
Academic Library in Cernauti evacuated to Sibiu, in 1944 ..................................... 303
Radu-Florian Bruja,
Traian Braileanu in Documents (II) ................................................... 311
Claudio Rendina, I papi, storia e segreti, Dalle biografie dei 265 romani
pontefici rivivono retroscena e misteri della cattedra di Pietro tra antipapi,
giubilei, conclavi e concili ecumenici, vol. I-II, Roma, Editura Newton&Compton
editori, 2005 (vol. I 460 p., vol II. 405 p.) (Vasile M. Demciuc) .............................. 319
Dragos Sesan, Ctitoriile lui Stefan cel Mare in documente, Cu Argumente
de Corneliu-Mihail Lungu, Bucuresti, Arhivele Nationale ale Romaniei, 2004,
129 p. + 14 reproduceri alb-negru si color (Olimpia Mitric) .................................. 321
Carlo Ginzburg, Branza si viermii. Universul unui morar din secolul al XVI-lea,
traducere de Claudia Dumitriu, Bucuresti, Editura Nemira, 1997, 256 p.
(Dinu Balan) ................................................................................................... 323
Olimpia Mitric, Manuscrise romanesti din Moldova. Catalog, vol. I, Prefata de
Prof. dr. Gabriel Strempel, Iasi, Editura Junimea, 2006, 502 p.+ 25 facsimile
alb-negru si color (Ioan Panzar) ........................................................................ 326
Viata Cuviosului Paisie de la Neamt - manuscris romanesc inedit - Prezentare
si studiu introductiv de pr. Eugen Dragoi, Galati, Editura Partener, 2002,
28 p., [78] p. cu reproduceri (Olimpia Mitric) ..................................................... 329
Ligia Livada-Cadeschi, De la mila la filantropie. Institutii de asistare a
saracilor din Tara Romaneasca si Moldova in secolul al XVIII-lea,
Bucuresti, Editura Nemira, 2001, 256 p. (Dinu Balan) ......................................... 331
Monahia Elena Simionovici, Sfanta Manastire Voronet. Icoanele Altarului,
<Suceava>, Editura Musatinii, 2007, 117 p. cu reproduceri color
(Olimpia Mitric) .............................................................................................. 336
Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu, Convertire si integrare religioasa in Moldova
la inceputul epocii moderne, Iasi, Editura Universitatii "Alexandru
Ioan Cuza", 2004, 408 p. (Dinu Balan) .............................................................. 338
Discursurile lui Eudoxiu Hurmuzaki in Dieta Bucovinei. Din viata
parlamentara a Bucovinei in cea de a doua jumatate a secolului al XIX-lea,
Editie bilingva, cu stabilire de text, prefata, note si comentarii de Ilie Luceac.
Traducerea textului german de Catrinel Plesu, Bucuresti, Institutul Cultural
Roman, 2007, 367 p. (Stefan Purici) ................................................................. 342
Petre Turlea, Partidul unui rege: Frontul Renasterii Nationale, Bucuresti,
Editura Enciclopedica, 2006, 310 p. (Radu-Florian Bruja) .................................. 344
INDEX ....................................................................................................................... 347
ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... 357