Codrul Cosminului
Catedra de Istorie si Relatii Internationale 2006
Nr. 8 - 9 / 2002 - 2003

Harieta Mareci, Florin Pintescu, A Fair Destiny. Mihai Iacobescu, the Historian
          at the age of 65 ......................................................................................................... 3
Ioan Ciuperca, The genesis of the modern political propaganda. Reference points .................... 17
Dinu Balan, "Pruncul Român". Ideology and socio-political terminology .................................. 29
Dumitru Vitcu, Romania and the Dilemma of Engaging in the First World War ......................... 37
Stefan Purici, Bukovina's past in the vision of the Ukrainian contemporary
          historiography (1991-2002) ....................................................................................... 43
Vlad Gafita, Aspects of Iancu Flondor's political activity (second half of the XIX)th
          century and the beginning of the XXth) ....................................................................... 53
Radu Florian Bruja, The structure and activity of the National Guards from the National
          Renaissance Front .................................................................................................. 77
Constantin Ungureanu, Bukovina's splitting consequences and those of the repatriation
          of the county's Germans .......................................................................................... 95
Dumitru Sandru, The Romanian Communist Party's relationships with the Hungarian
          minority (1944-1948) .............................................................................................. 109

Mircea Ignat, The tumular necropolis from Radauti Depression - Results
          and perspectives of the researches .......................................................................... 127
Dumitru Boghian, Nicolae Ursulescu, Constantin Catana, Gheorghe Romanescu,
          Mircea Ignat, Ioan Mares, Vasile Cotiuga, Bogdan Petru Niculica, Sorin Ignatescu,
          Some considerations regarding the identification and the repertorisation of the useful
          resources from the mountain area of Suceava used in prehistory and history ............... 135
Dumitru Boghian, Sorin Ignâtescu, Ioan Mares, Bogdan Niculica, The most significant
          results of the archeological research made in Fetesti site (Adâncata,
          county of Suceava) ................................................................................................ 161
Vasile Budui, Bogdan Niculica, Pedogeographical considerations regarding tumulus
          No. 2 from the Komarov-Costisa-Bialy-Potik tumular necropolis type from
          Adâncata (county of Suceava) ................................................................................. 177
Ihor Voznyi, Archeological sources regarding the pagan's faith vestiges in the
          spiritual culture of Northern Bukovina's inhabitants (the XIIth century -
          first half of the XIIIth century) ................................................................................... 187
Violeta-Anca Epure, The sources and the historiography regarding the Mongolian
          History .................................................................................................................. 195
Mihai Lazar, "Revista politica" and the problem of growth of the national identity
          of the Romanian Youth from Bukovina ...................................................................... 201
Florin Pintescu, The Romanian's image in the eyes of the Transylvanian Saxons ................... 207
Mirela Beguni, The Government and the Orthodox Church of Moldavia between
          1774 and 1831 ....................................................................................................... 213
Mihai Iacobescu, The chronically register books - historical sources for the
          reconstruction of some realities from Bukovina's past ................................................ 229
Radu Florian Bruja, The parliamentary elections from 1939 in the county of Suceava .............. 237

Doina-Maria Creanga, Processing the hide - an integrant part of man's material culture .......... 243
Olimpia Mitric, Manuscripts and ancient books in the funds and collections of
          Agapia Monastery .................................................................................................. 247

Harieta Mareci, From Teodor Balan's Archive ...................................................................... 257
Doina Alexa, From the Cernauti's Archives: General Nicolae Petala to Ion Nistor ................... 267
Constantin Ungureanu, Iancu Flondor 1915's memorial about Bukovina's borders ................... 273

Tudor Arnaut, Vestigii ale sec. VII-III a Chr. în spatiul de la rasarit de Carpati, Universitatea
          de Stat din Moldova - Chisinau, 2003, 316 p. + 84 figuri (Mircea Ignat) ...................... 285
Mihalache Brudiu, Lumea de sub tumuli din sudul Moldovei. De la indo-europeni
          la turanicii târzii - marturii arheologice, Editura Printech, Bucuresti, 2003, 155p. +
          55 harti si planse (Mircea Ignat) ............................................................................ 287
Dragos Sesan, Noul Testament de la Balgrad (1648). Carte de limba si simtire
          româneasca, Brasov Editura "Pentru viata" (2002), 274 p. (Olimpia Mitric) ................ 288
Catehismul lui JOSIF DE CAMLLIS, Trnava, 1726. Prefata: IACOB MÂRZA,
          Transcrierea textului, studiul introductiv, îngrijirea editiei: EVA MÂRZA, Studiul
          teologic, note de specialitate: ANTON RUS, Bibliografie selectiva, indice: EVA MÂRZA,
          ANTON RUS, Sibiu, Editura Imago, 2002, 216 p. (Olimpia Mitric) ............................. 291
Mihai Iacobescu, 30 de zile în "Siberia". Cautând arhivele Bucovinei, Iasi, Editura
          Junimea, 2003, 456 p. (Florin.Pintescu) ................................................................. 292
Harieta Mareci, Teodor Balan (1885-1972). Viata si Opera, Iasi, Editura Junimea,
          2003, 294 p. (Vasile M. Demciuc) .......................................................................... 296
Bela Vago, Ascensiunea fascismului si antisemitismului în Bazinul Dunarii
          (1936-1939), Bucuresti, Editura Curtea Veche, 2003, 424 p. (Radu-Florian Bruja) ..... 297
Lilly Marcou, Regele tradat. Carol al II-lea al României, Bucuresti, Editura Corint,
          2003, 368 p. (Radu-Florian Bruja) ......................................................................... 299