Codrul Cosminului
Catedra de Istorie si Relatii Internationale 2006
Nr. 6 - 7 / 2000 - 2001

Sorin Ignătescu, The Linear-Ceramic Inhabitation from Scheia-Siliste (the Suceava County) ....... 3
Nicolae Ursulescu, Dumitru Boghian, Southern influences in the final phase of the
          Precucutenian Civilization ........................................................................................ 11
Sergiu Haimovici, The Problem of a Case: the Study of the Fauna from Fit 25 of the
          Precucutenian Site from Târgu Frumos from the Viewpoint of the Archeozoological
          Methodology ........................................................................................................... 21
Dumitru Boghian, The Eneolithical Man and the Geographical Surroundings
          in the Bahlui Basin .................................................................................................. 37
Dan Fărtăis, The Restoration of a Group of Zoomorphical Statuettes
          from the Suceava County ......................................................................................... 53
Dumitru Boghian, Bogdan-Petru Niculică, Ilie Cojocaru, Petrea Pavel (student),
          Few Consideration concerning Some Eneolithical Copper Axes ................................... 57
Bogdan Niculică, Stone Axes Belonging to the Bronze Age discovered
          in the Suceava County ............................................................................................. 67
Bogdan Niculică, Sorin Ignătescu, Archeological Researches in the Suceava Plateau (II) .......... 81
Monica Gogu, The Archeological Discoveries Reflected in A.D. Xenopol's, N. Iorga's,
          C. C. Giurescu's and Gh. Brătianu's First Syntheses of Romanian History .................... 99
Mihai Lazăr, Aspects of the Fiscality in Moldavia. Fiscal Drawings from Some
          Sheperd's Products ................................................................................................ 111
Florin Pintescu, Statistical Data Concerning the German Population in the Rădăuti
          County during the Interwar Period ............................................................................ 123
Arcadie M. Bodale, Contributions to the History of the Putna Monastery's Domain from
          Its Foundation to Constantin Mavrocordat's Reforms (1466-1742) I. The Ways of the
          Forming and the Development of the Putna Domain II. The Character of the Land and
          Money Donations Made to the Putna Monastery III. The Evolution of the Putna Domain
          between 1466 and 1742 .......................................................................................... 131
Vasile M. Demciuc, The Foundation of the Metropolitan Church of Moldavia - the political
          and spiritual Implication in a South-Eastern European Context (1401-2001) ................. 163
Simona Petrariu, The Rural Settlements in the Tazlău Subcarparthians
          in the XIVth - XVIIIth Centuries ................................................................................. 183
Mihai Iacobescu, Bukovina and the Habsburg Myth ............................................................. 189
Stefan Purici, The High Society in Bukovina (the end of the XVIIIth Century - the first
          half of the XIXth Century) ......................................................................................... 197
Palaghia Radion, The Romanian Options of "Alliance" during the Russian-Ottoman
          War (1806-1812) .................................................................................................... 213
Ilie Luceac, The Contribution of the Bukovinean Constantin Hurmuzaki to the Forming
          and Consolidation of the Modern Romanian State ..................................................... 225
Mirela-Ana Voicu, Considerations Concerning the Evolution of the Armenian
          Community in Bukovina in the XIXth Century ............................................................. 233
Dinu Bălan, The National Romanian Unity from the Viewpoint of the 1848 Generation ............. 247
Dumitru Vitcu, The "Darnita" Episode in the Saga of the National Unification ......................... 267
Mihai-Aurelian Căruntu, Preliminaries of the Second Rape of Bukovina ................................. 279
Stefan Purici, The Move of the Southern Bukovina's Germans and Its Impact on the
          Romanian Sodety .................................................................................................. 293
Harieta Mareci, A Few Considerations on Teodor Bălan's Historical Manuscriptic Work .......... 303

Mihai Lazăr, A less known Aspect concerning the fiscal System of Medieval Moldavia ........... 313
Mircea Ignat, The Reference to the Post in the Mentality of the Inhabitants of Suceava
          of the Beginning of the Modern Age ......................................................................... 317
Constantin Serban, Information About Bukovina in the Historical Work
          of Gabriel Honore Riquetti Count of Mirabeau ............................................................ 325
Radu Florian Bruja, The Guard of the Country -  organization and objective ............................ 331
Radu Florian Bruja, The Doctrine and the Program of the Front of the National Rebirth ........... 335
Harieta Mareci, "Europenism and Regionalism" the Beginning of a Dispute between
          "the European Idea" and "the Literary Society Junimea" ............................................ 341
Mirela Beguni, The Icon for the Modern Man ....................................................................... 347
Vlad Gafita, The Interest "issue" in the district of Câmpulung (nineteen thirty to
          nineteen thirty-three) - Mas a pretext for antisemitical agitations from
          the right-extreme parties ......................................................................................... 355
Nichita Adăniloaie, The Sufferings of the Dorna People during the First World War ................. 359
Emil Satco, A Master's Degree Thesis from 1945 of Great Interest ....................................... 363

Olimpia Mitric, A New Manuscript from the School of Calligraphy and Miniatwe of
          the Dragomirna Monastery (1627) ............................................................................ 365
Mihai Iacobescu, The Status of Some Village Reading Rooms, Rural Educational
          Societies and the Association of the Romanian Teaching Staff Which Are
          in Cernăuti's Archives ............................................................................................. 369
Gavril Irimescu, Letters to and from Iancu Flondor from 1918-1924 Concerning the
          Romanian Political Life ........................................................................................... 379
Harieta Mareci, From Teodor Bălan's Archive ...................................................................... 405

Alis Niculică, Aspects of Bukovina's Musical Life (1775-1918) .............................................. 423
Petru Bejinariu, The Contributions of the Society for the Romanian Culture and
          Literature in Bukovina to the National Emancipation Movement .................................. 429
Ion Cozmei, Preliminaries to a Possible Comparative Approach: George Cosbuc and
          Taras Sevcenko ..................................................................................................... 437
Gheorghe Giurcă, The University "Stefan cel Mare" - competence and professionalism .......... 447
Petru Russindilar, A Great Jurist, a Man of Culture and Politics - dr. Aurel Morariu ................ 455
Nichita Adăniloaie, A Great School Inspector from Suceava: Serafim Ionescu ........................ 467
Gheorghe Moldoveanu, Bukovinean Folklore - Ukrainean People .......................................... 477

Mihai Iacobescu, Great Scientific Events: the Fourth International Congress of
          Romanian Studies ................................................................................................. 481
Stefan Purici, The International Conference "the Interregional Dialogue in Europe
          in 2001 and in the Future" ....................................................................................... 487
Florin Pintescu, The Euroregion "the Upper Prut" between Present and Prospect.
          Marginal Notes on an International Scientific Conference ........................................... 493

Ilie Rad, Aron Pumnul (1818-1866), Fundatia Culturală Română, Cluj-Napoca, 2002,
          340 p. (Mihai Iacobescu) ...................................................................................... 501
Mihai Lazăr, Realităti fiscale din Tara Moldovei. Dări de cotitate în sfera economiei păstoresti
          (secolul al XV-lea - mijlocul secolului al XVIII-lea), Iasi, Editura Junimea, 2000,
          265 p. + 6 planse (Florin Pintescu) ........................................................................ 502

Gheorghe Dumitroaia, Comunităti preistorice din nord-estul României. De la cultura
          Cucuteni până în bronzul mijlociu, Piatra Neamt, 2000, Bibliotheca Memoriae
          Antiquitatis, VII, 335 pagini, 115 figuri, 1 tabel, 6 hărti incluse în text
          (Bogdan Niculică) ................................................................................................ 509
Lesley and Roy Adkins, An introduction to archaeology, Grange Books, London, 1989,
          (această editie a fost tipărită în 1996 în China by Leefung Asco Printers Ltd),
          128 p. (Sorin Ignătescu) ....................................................................................... 512
Nicolae Ursulescu, Contributii privind neoliticul si eneoliticul din regiunile est-carpatice
          ale României, vol. I, Editura Universitătii "Al. L Cuza", Iasi, 2000, 388 p.
          (Sorin Ignătescu) ................................................................................................... 515
Constantin C. Petolescu, Inscriptions de la Dacie Romaine - inscriptions externes
          concernant l'histoire de la Dacie (Ier-IIIe siecles), vol. I, 1996; vol. II, 2000,
          Ed. Enciclopedică, Bucuresti (Mircea Ignat) ........................................................... 520
Zoe Petre, Cetatea greacă - între real si imaginar, Ed. Nemira, Bucuresti, 2000, 430 p.
          (Mircea Ignat) ...................................................................................................... 522
Mihai Lazăr, Realităti fiscale din Tara Moldovei. Dări de cotitate în sfera economiei
          păstoresti (secolul al XV-lea - mijlocul secolului al XVIII-lea), Iasi, Editura Junimea,
          2000, 265 p. + 6 planse (Mihai Iacobescu) ............................................................. 523
Ilie Luceac, Familia Hurmuzaki: între ideal si realizare (O istorie a culturii românesti în
          Bucovina în cea de-a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea), Editura Alexandru cel Bun,
          Cernăuti, Editura Augusta, Timisoara, 2000, 364 p. (Mihai Iacobescu) ...................... 524
Doina Alexa, Ion Nistor - dimensiunile personalitătii politice si culturale, Rădăuti,
          Editura Institutului Bucovina-Basarabia; 2000, 240 p. (Florin Pintescu) ...................... 528
George Mounin, Istoria lingvisticii, Traducere si postfată de Constantin Dominte,
          Editura Paideia, 1999 (Rodica Nagy) ...................................................................... 534
Viata Cuviosului Paisie de la Neamt, tipărită cu binecuvântarea I.P.S. Daniel, Mitropolitul
          Moldovei si Bucovinei. Editie îngrijită de Diac. Prof. Ioan Ivan, după manuscrisul
          nr. 154 din Biblioteca Mănăstirii Neamt, Editura "Trinitas", Iasi, 1997, 154 p. +
          ilustratii (Olimpia Mitric) ....................................................................................... 537
Mihai Mitu, Oameni si fapte din secolul al XVIII-lea românesc, Bucuresti, Editura Atos,
          1999, 272 p. (Olimpia Mitric) ................................................................................. 539
Tereza Sinigalia, Voica Maria Puscasu, Mănăstirea Probota, Editura Meridiane,
          Colectia Monumente Istorice, Bucuresti, 2000, 95 p. cu ilustratii (Olimpia Mitric) ....... 542
Violeta Barbu, Miniatura brâncovenească, Editura Meridiane, Bucuresti, 2000,
          125 p. + ilustratii (Olimpia Mitric) .......................................................................... 544
Monahia Elena Simionovici, Sfânta Mănăstire Voronet, [editia a III-a, revăzută si
          adăugită], Editura Thausib, Sibiu, 2001,152 p. + ilustratii (Olimpia Mitric) ................. 545
Dumitru Vitcu, Relatiile româno-americane timpurii. Convergente-Divergente,
          Editura Albatros, Bucuresti, 2000, 358 p. (Mihai Iacobescu) .................................... 548
Teodor Pavel, Între Berlin si Sankt Petersburg. I. Românii în relatiile germano-ruse
          din secolul al XIX-lea, Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2000, 400 p.
          (Stefan Purici) ..................................................................................................... 549
Marian Gajdoš, Stanislav Konečný, MikulᚠMušinka, Rusíni / ukrajinci v zrkadle
          polstoročia. Niektoré aspekty ich vývoja na Slovensku po roku 1945,
          Prešov - Užhorod, 1999, 157 s. (Stefan Purici) ........................................................ 552
Mihai-Stefan Ceausu, Bucovina habsburgică de la anexare la Congresul de la Viena.
          Iosefinism si postiosefinism (1774-1815), Iasi, Fundatia Academică
          "A.D. Xenopol", 1998, 249 p. (Stefan Purici) ........................................................... 557

Mihai Iacobescu, Ionel Dârdală (1916-1994) ........................................................................ 559
Mihai Iacobescu and Harieta Mareci, Vasile Cristian, the Professor and
          the Historian at the Age of 65 .................................................................................. 563

LETTERS FROM READERS ............................................................................................. 567