Nr. 1 / 1995
Vol. XVII, No. 2,
December 2011
Codrul Cosminului

Department of History and International Relations, 2006 - 2011
Vol. 2, 1996

DUMITRU CUCU, Regional and National ............................................................................. 3

DUMITRU BOGHIAN, A Few Considerations on the Lithic Tools of the
          Cultural Complex Precucuteni-Cucuteni/Tripolie (II) .................................................... 4
          Archaeological Research on the Pre Cucutenian Site ol Targu Frumos (jud. Iasi) (I) .... 38
MIRCEA IGNAT, Ethno-Cultural Penetrations in the North-Eastern
          Carpathian Space during the 1st - 4th Centuries A.C. ............................................... 74
MIHAI LAZAR, The Importance and the Role of Cattle Breeding in the
          Economy of Medieval Moldavia. Historiographical Considerations .............................. 82
ION SOLCANU, The Historiography of Ecclesiastical Art in Moldavia during
          the XIVth-XVIth Centuries. Architecture and indoor Wall-Paintings ........................... 103
PAVEL BLAJ, The Political Ideology in the Principalities and Eastern-
          Central Europe; Connections and Penetrations (the XVIth Century) .......................... 146
OLIMPIA MITRIC, Scriptoria, Scriveners and North-Moldavian Manuscripts
          in Romanian (the XVth - XIXth Centuries) ............................................................... 159
GHEORGHE MOLDOVEANU, The Unity of the Romanian People and Language ................ 176
GHEORGHE CLIVETI, The Liberalism and the National Cause of the Romanian
          Revolutionaries of 1848 ........................................................................................ 186
GHEORGHE IACOB, Questions on the Modern History of Romania. Opinions
          in a Historiographical Debate (II) ........................................................................... 201
CONSTANTIN UNGUREANU, The Colonization of the German Population in Bukovina ........ 211
STEFAN PURICI, The Question of the Autonomy of Bukovina (1775-1861) ......................... 230
FLORIN PINTESCU, The Romanian Political Life in Bukovina: Loyalism, Autonomism
          or Irredentism? (1900-1914) .................................................................................. 260
DOINA ALEXA, Ion Nistor - The Politician ........................................................................ 275
IOAN MURARIU, From the History of the Region of Hertsa ............................................... 298

ION MARES, A Prehistoric Tomb Found in Suceava - "Zamca Hil" .................................... 323
IOAN SCRIPCARIUC, The Monastery Property in the Region of Suceava. Organization
          and Functioning (the XIVth - XVIIIth Centuries) ....................................................... 328
ION AGRIGOROAIEI, The Unification of Bessarabia and Bukovina with Romania.
          Echoes in the Press of Iassy ............................................................................... 336
MIRCEA GRIGOROVITA, An Unusual Review Signed by Dr. Rudolf Wagner ....................... 344
NICOLAE CARLAN, Petre Comarnescu and Lucian Blaga under the Sign
          of Elective Affinities ............................................................................................. 349
EMMA PORFIREANU, The "Old" West and the "New" American Historiography ................. 356

CONSTANTIN SERBAN, The Country of Suceava at the End of the XVIIIth Century
          from an Original Source (A Few Economical and Demographic Aspects) .................. 358
ION ZUGRAV, VASILE M. DEMCIUC, Comissionsprotokoll uber die Eroffnung
          der Klostergrufte von Putna .................................................................................. 380
MIHAI IACOBESCU, Constantin Morariu: "The Story of My Life" (Diary) ............................. 409
PAVEL TUGUI, Letters sent by Teodor Balan .................................................................. 440

MIRELA SERBAN, From the History of Romanian Schooling in Bukovina. The Foundation
          of the Forestry School in Campulung Moldovenesc, one Hundred Years Ago ............ 465
PETRU BEJENARU, Aron Pumnul - A Spiritual Guide of National Conscience .................... 471
IOAN SCRIPCARIUC, Teodor Balan and the Archives of Bukovina ..................................... 477
MIRCEA A. DIACONU, Mircea Streinu, the Prose-Writer .................................................. 483

GHEORGHE GIURCA, George Tofan - The Professor ....................................................... 500
CONSTANTIN SERBAN, Karl Adolf Romstorfer (1854-1917) .............................................. 511
AUREL BUZINCU, Ion Gramada - The Prose Writer .......................................................... 520

CONSTANTIN SERBAN, MIHAI LAZAR, Arkadii Jukovski, Istoriia Bukoviny.
          Ceastina persa do 1774 r, Cernovti, 1991, 120 p. ................................................... 527
FLORIN PINTESCU, Emanuel Turczynsky, Geschichte der Bukowina in der Neuzeit.
          Zur Social und Kuitur Geschichte einer mitteleuropaisch gepragten Landschaft,
          Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 1993, 260 p.+ 2 mapes + 16 pictures .................. 536
MIHAI IACOBESCU, The International Symposium "Bukovina on the Side of Dialogue"
          (21st-28th April 1996, Sejny - the Monastery of Wigrierski, Poland) ......................... 540
MIHAI IACOBESCU, The International Conference "Bukovina, 1775-1862, Political,
          Social, Cultural, Economical and Demographical Aspects"
          (Radauti, 31 May - 3 June 1996) ........................................................................... 552

IOAN IOSEP, The Feudal, Rural Property of Campulung (Moldovenesc) in the XVIIth -
          XVIIIth Centuries. (Reconstitution after Documentary, Toponimic and
          Cartographic Sources) ......................................................................................... 564

ADRIANA GROSU, Leonide Ouspensky, The Theology of the Icon in the Orthodox
         Church, Paris, CERF, 1980 ................................................................................... 592

ELENA SIMINICEANU, The Summer Practice Camp. Fragments of Diary .......................... 655
HARIETA MARECI, Dimitrie Dan (1856-1927) - Historical Concerns ................................... 657

CONSTANTIN SERBAN, The Second Symposium "Medieval Art and Civilization",
          Suceava 1995 ..................................................................................................... 675
ION RUSNAC, Impressions on the Activity during the Specialization Period
          at the University "Stefan cel Mare" Suceava .......................................................... 680
MIHAI IACOBESCU, People from Suceava at the Festivities dedicated to the
          Semicentenary of the University "Alecu Russo" of Beltsi, Moldova ........................... 682
GEORGE MUNTEAN, "ASTRA" - a National Association ................................................. 684

M. Petrescu-Dambovita, Hadrian Daicoviciu, Dan Gh. Teodor, Ligia Barzu,
          Florentina Preda, Istoria Romaniei. De la inceputuri pana in secolul al VIII-lea,
          Bucuresti, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, 1995, 464 p. + 108 fig. in text +
          12 harti (Dumitru Boghian) ................................................................................. 688
Alexandru Paunescu, Ripiceni-Izvor. Paleolitic si mezolitic. Studiu monografic,
          Bucuresti, Editura Academiei Romane, 1993, 228 p. + 108 fig. incluse
          in text (Dumitru Boghian) .................................................................................. 691
Vladimir Dumitrescu, Oameni si cioburi. Contributii la istoria contemporana a arheologiei
          romanesti, in "Cultura si civilizatie la Dunarea de Jos", XI, 1993, Calarasi, 202 p.
          + 16 ilustratii foto (Dumitru Boghian) .................................................................. 694
Elena Puha, Nicolae Stratone, Antropologie filosofica. Simple repere, Iasi, Editura
          Bucovina, 1995, 237 p. (Dumitru Boghian) .......................................................... 697
Alain Ruze, Latinii din Carpati. Dovezi ale continuitatii romanesti la nordul Dunarii,
          traducere de Ciresica Dumitriu-Ruze, Editura Stiintifica, Colectia "Istoria si
          Cultura romanilor", 1994, 135 p. (Dumitru Boghian) .............................................. 700
Michel Mourre, Dictionaire encyclopedique d'histoire, 8 vol., Nouvelle edition, Editura
          Bordas, Paris, 1993 (Mircea Ignat) ...................................................................... 702
Le genie d l'homme. Des origines a l'eriture (sous la direction de J. M. Cordy),
          Abbaye Saint-Gerard de Brogne, 1995, 208 p. +24 pl. in afara textului
          (Nicolae Ursulescu) ........................................................................................... 704
Constantin Serban, Vasile Lupu, domn al Moldovei (1634-1653), Bucuresti, Editura
          Academiei Romane, 1991, 231 p. (Mihai Lazar) ................................................... 707
Ion Toderascu, Permanente istorice medievale. Factori ai unitatii romanesti, vol. II,
          Iasi, Editura Universitatii "Al. I. Cuza", 1994,182 p. (Florin Pintescu) ...................... 713
Olimpia Mitric, Cartea romaneasca veche in judetul Suceava, vol. III si IV,
          Suceava, 1994, 1995, 168 p.; 269 p. (Florin Pintescu) .......................................... 717
Vladimir Trebici, Bucovina, Populatia si procesele demografice (1775-1993),
          Cluj Napoca, Fundatia Culturala Romana, 1994, 40 p. + 3 h.
          (Constantin Serban) .......................................................................................... 718
Valeriu Maricari, O scoala uitata. Scoala de Arte si Meserii din Campulung Bucovina.
          (Schita istorica), Campulung Moldovenesc, 1994, 143 p. (Constantin Serban) ........ 722
Petru Bejenaru (coordonator), Biologi de seama din Bucovina, Suceava, Editura
          "Tara Fagilor", 1994, 144 p. (Mihai Iacobescu) ..................................................... 725
Gheorghe Giurca, File din istoria Scolii Normale "Mihai Eminescu" din Suceava,
          1949-1994, Suceava, 1992, 290 p. (Mihai Iacobescu) ........................................... 727
Vasile Pop, Disertatie despre tipografiile romanesti in Transilvania si invecinatele tari
          de la inceputul lor pana in vremurile noastre, Sibiu, 1838, Studiu introductiv,
          editie, note, rezumat si indice de Eva Marza si Iacob Marza, Editura Dacia,
          Cluj Napoca, 1995, 225 p. (Mihai Iacobescu) ....................................................... 728
Nicolae Iorga, Neamul romanesc in Basarabia, Editie ingrijita, introducere, note si
          bibliografie de Iordan Datcu, Bucuresti, Editura Fundatiei Culturale Romane,
          1995, 318 p. (Mihai Iacobescu) .......................................................................... 729
Ion Siscanu, Raptul Basarabiei, 1940, Chisinau, Editura Ago-Dacia, 1993,
          175 p. (Mihai Iacobescu) ................................................................................... 731
Ion Siscanu, Uniunea Sovietica - Romania, 1940, Chisinau, Editura Arc, 1995,
          270 p. (Mihai Iacobescu) ................................................................................... 733
Ion Siscanu, Destaranirea bolsevica in Basarabia, Chisinau, Editura "Adrian",
          1994, 140 p. (Mihai Iacobescu) .......................................................................... 734
Lloyd C. Gardner, Sfere de influenta (Impartirea Europei intre marile puteri, de la
          Munchen la Yalta), Bucuresti, Editura Elit, 1995, 400 p. (Harieta Mareci) ............... 736
D. M. Pacurariu, Despre timp si spatiu in literatura, Bucuresti, Editura Hyperion
          XXI, 1994, 192 p. (Nicolae Carlan) ...................................................................... 738
TARA FAGILOR, Almanah cultural-literar al Societatii "Arboroasa" din Cernauti al
          romanilor nord-bucovineni, alcatuit de Dumitru Covalciuc, Cernauti - Targu Mures,
          1995, 288 p. (Mihai Iacobescu) .......................................................................... 742
TARA FAGILOR, Almanah cultural-literar al Societatii "Arboroasa" din Cernauti al
          romanilor nord-bucovineni, alcatuit de Dumitru Covalciuc, Cernauti - Targu Mures,
          1994, 278 p. (Mihai Iacobescu) .......................................................................... 744
ANALELE BUCOVINEI, Centrul de Studii Bucovina, Academia Romana, an I, nr. 2,
          1994 (Mihai Iacobescu) ..................................................................................... 746
ANALELE BUCOVINEI, Centrul de Studii Bucovina, Academia Romana, an II, nr. 1,
          1995 (Mihai Iacobescu) ..................................................................................... 748
PORTILE DE FIER, Revista Societatii Nationale de Stiinte Istorice din Romania.
          Filiala Mehedinti, an I, nr. 1, 1996, 16 p. (Constantin Serban) ............................... 750
GLASUL BUCOVINEI (Revista trimestriala de istorie si cultura), Fundatia Culturala
          Romana, Cernauti - Bucuresti, nr. 1, 1995, 157 p. (Harieta Mareci) ........................ 752

MIHAI IACOBESCU, The Academician Vladimir Trebici (at the Age of 80) .......................... 753
MIHAI IACOBESCU, Gheorghe Platon. The Man, the Teacher, the Historian
          (at 70 Years of Life) ............................................................................................. 762
MIHAI IACOBESCU, The Historian Constantin Serban - at 75 Years of Life ........................ 767

XIII. LETTERS FROM THE READERS ........................................................................... 802