Codrul Cosminului
Department of Human, Social and Political Sciences, 2020
Paper title:
Info-Analytical Support for Ukrainian-Polish Cross-Border Cooperation. The Euro-Regions Case Study
Published in:
Issue 2, (Vol. 26) / 2020
Publishing date:
Antonina Shuliak, Yevheniia Vozniuk, Iryna Patlashynska, Nazarii Shuliak
This article discusses the cross-border collaboration between the territorial communities and local authorities in Ukraine and Poland in terms of cooperation activities focused on the objectives of their economic, social, scientific, technical, environmental and cultural relations. The authors study the Euroregions as the primary form of cross-border cooperation (CBC). The interpretation of the information support for CBC has been determined in the context of its activities. Furthermore, it has been examined within the framework of the "Carpathian" and "Bug" Euro-regions through the following elements: the organisational and legal system (agreements, Programs, etc.); institutions that help collect, process and disseminate data on the CBC (websites, blogs, etc.); info-analytic products of the Euro-regions (articles, media reports, etc.). The authors highlight issues related to the information support for Ukrainian-Polish CBC and formulate the recommendations on how to improve the informational component of Ukrainian-Polish CBC within the "Carpathian" and the "Bug" Euro-regions.
information support, cross-border cooperation (CBC), projects, Ukraine, Poland.

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