Codrul Cosminului
Department of Human, Social and Political Sciences, 2020
Paper title:
Societal Perspectives: Gender Equality in Central Asia, between Desideratum and Realities
Published in:
Issue 2, (Vol. 26) / 2020
Publishing date:
Roza Zharkynbayeva, Ardak Abdiraiymova, Akylbek Sarsenbayev,
Nurgul’ Bekzhanova
During the years of independence, Central Asian countries joined the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). They developed na-tional mechanisms for the promotion of gender equality. However, despite the claimed policy, numerous articles, studies, dissertations, conferences, round tables, and the crea-tion of gender research centres, there are still significant problems in promoting an idea of gender equality. In the Central Asia region persist a substantial difference between men and women in such spheres as politics, economics and public services careers. Gender ine-quality is still present in political representation. In addition, there is a problem of female students underrepresented in higher education institutions in several countries of the Central Asian region (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan). Moreover, the traditionalization of the social dimension of life in these societies is becoming more pronounced. Un-der the guise of the policy of preserving national customs, the constraints imposed by tra-ditional rites extend. However, the politics of promotion of gender equality have perspectives for devel-opment since the governments are interested in this issue management. Instead, the traditional part of society shows a particular resistance to the ideology of gender equality. Nevertheless, sustainable socio-economic development of the region is impossible without the achievement of gender equality.
Gender equality, sustainable development, modernization, higher education, employment opportunities, cooperation, professional gender segregation.

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