Codrul Cosminului
Department of Human, Social and Political Sciences, 2020
Paper title:
Cinema as a Tool for Influencing Historical Consciousness in Russian-Ukrainian Information Warfare
Published in:
Issue 2, (Vol. 26) / 2020
Publishing date:
Rоman Khardel, Vitalii Vyzdryk, Oleksandra Melnyk
The article analyses the techniques and methods used to influence historical consciousness through the cinema. The strategy of using cinema in the modern information environment as a tool of psychological influence on the consciousness and subconscious of the target audience is described. Cinema is considered as an integral part of a comprehensive system of influencing the target audiences, including such an essential part of it as historical consciousness. The effectiveness of modern means of providing feedback on the watched films, particularly in the form of audience reviews, as a part of a complex strategy of information exploitation is highlighted. The phenomenon of the interaction of prosthetic memory with the collective one while forming and consolidating the beliefs necessary for the initiator of information influence is studied. The advantages of cinema as a tool for creating prosthetic memory are given, such as imagery, the effect of presence in the events of the past, the identification of the viewer with the film characters, the simplicity of the material presentation.
Cinema, Information warfare, historical consciousness, Russia, Ukraine, prosthetic memory.

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