Articole - Your guide for the balneoclimateric station of Slanic Moldova
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Your guide for the balneoclimateric station of Slanic Moldova
Data publicarii: 29.05.2012
Autor: Gherasim Catrinel
Vizualizari: 2874
Your guide for the balneoclimateric station of Slanic Moldova
,, If one way is better than another, then for sure is the nature way ''
We are Ardeleanu Elena Avataje and Gherasim Catrinel, graduates of the Faculty of Geography and Geology, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, and presently we are following a master course , in the Faculty of Geography, Stefan cel Mare University.
We have communication skills in native language and in English and French, and general knowledge of history, geography, ethnography and computer.
Also, both are in possession of driving license category B.
Why Slanic Moldova?
We chose this resort, primarily due to rapid accessibility of our place of residence, city Moinesti, and secondly, because of its many strong points: abundant vegetation, air and landscape benefits.
Its main function, that the resort is very well emphasized by the enhancement of the healing springs, plus the alternative forms of tourism.
The settlement developed due to numerous mineral water springs with varying compositions of Slanic valley. On a map printed in Viena in 1856 appears the name Brook Slatina, because it goes through a region with land rich in soluble salts.
The old name of the town at 1810 was Baile Slanic. For the first time the resort appears on the map of the country under this name, on the administrative map of Moldova, between 1838-1840. In the late 1888-1890, after capturing the springs and installing the modern facilities, inhalations and pulverization of that time, the resort is called Baile Slanic Moldova, and later the town is called Slanic Moldova.
The legend goes that Mihalache Spiridon, who was administrator of Targu Ocna Salina, while going to hunt on July 20, 1801 discovered the first mineral water spring.
The writer Wilhelm of Kotzebue writes in his work “From Moldova. Descriptions and sketches”, Bucharest 1884, that: “Mihalachi Spiridon, administrator of mines in Târgu Ocna, was hunting a deer in 1801 through Slănic Valley, inhabited by no human being and covered with secular woods through which you could barely make road. He tired fell down on a rock and on his feet poured the water of Slanic. Suddenly, he sees a spring gushing from the rock and the water left behind a yellow line in the short path to the river. The hunter tasted, returning a few minutes later with a bottle in the new discovered place, leaing a mark through branches of trees. Friends recognize that as mineral water and that abroad is employed to cure diseases”.
The curative quality of the springs and their participation in the cooperative exhibition in Bucharest and the Universal Exhibition in Paris in 1900, bring Slănic the gold medal. Thus, Slănic Moldova guards as modern spa in those days and has since been called “Pearl of Moldavia”.
Physical and Geographical Features
The resort is situated on the eastern slope of the Oriental Carpathians, in massive Nemira in a l ittle valley, narrow and long, bordered by heights covered with forests of beech and pine, through whose valley passes Slănic Stream, from which it gets the name.
Placed in the south-west of Bacau County, the resort is located south of ComăneÅŸti, MoineÅŸti DărmăneÅŸti and southwest of towns Târgu Ocna and OneÅŸti.
Downstream of the resort, Slanic Valley is narrow, and as the valley widens emerge steep massive of sandstone. Slănic waters wash the layers of sandstone and capture salts in their composition. Also, on their way through the Eastern Carpathian mountain chain are enriched with carbon dioxide.
Slanic area is picturesque, especially due to its rich vegetation. Both meadows and forests are adorned in spring with Carthusian Pink Ridge (Dianthus callizonus), Primrose (Primula vulgaris), Crocus (Colchicum autumnale), Hatchet (Viola odorata), Violets (Scilla bifolia), Bells (Campanula). One of the plants protected by law is the candle (Verbascum densiflorum), a rare plant with white flowers that grows on the rocks the area or in cracks.
This area specific creatures are bears, wolves, wild boars, squirrels, and a very rare animal is the lynx, also called “Carpathian panther”, an animal protected by law.
Tourist Attractions in the Resort and Outside It
In center of the resort is Central Park, which is an oasis of beauty and tranquility. In this park is a church built of Slanic stone and brick, which was built on the former wooden church, destroyed by the German artillery bombardment.
In this park was landscaped green spaces with games for children in tune with the specific mountain area, plus bike lanes, and for youth and adults were provided sports.
The park is also famous by its buildings, such as kiosk Band, where he performed for the first time George Enescu, the age of 9 years, but his specimens and larch, one of the most interesting pieces of softwood in the country, declared species protected.
Another important are the mineral springs, which is the natural way of treatment for many diseases, including the digestive, the glands, respiratory, nutritional and metabolic diseases.
1.5 km from the resort is Slanic waterfall, an area with narrow and steep paths, easily traveled by tourists who want to capture some of the show offered by the resort.
Longer trips are in Targu Ocna, 18 km from Slanic Moldova, where you can visit the Salt Mine.
Also, in T ârgu Ocna on Peak Magura is located the Mausoleum of the Romanian soldiers who died in World War and Măgura Ocnei Monastery.
Uz Valley area, situated 12 km west of town Darmanesti, has a remarkable tourism potential, the main reference of the area being the barrage “Uz Meadow”.
Slănic Moldova – Treatments
The balneary sanatorium Sl ănic Moldova is declared national public health unit. Located in the center of Slănic Moldova, the balneary sanatorium provides medical rehabilitation services for adults and children, hospitalization and outpatient treatment, mostly on pathology profiles: respiratory, hepatic and digestive.
The balneary treatment provided by the balneary sanatorium Slanic Moldova is corroborated by:
- the air rich in aerosols and negative ions found in this area;
- chloride-bicarbonated mineral waters, sodium, carbonated, slightly sulphurous, thermal, of various compositions and concentrations with a total mineralization between 0,5-17 gr/l;
- mofettes - therapeutic gas, the CO2 concentrations greater than 70% used in vascular disease;
- inhalations in the Târgu Ocna Salina
On medical advice, patients follow mineral water cure in the area of Slanic Moldova Springs.
Currently, Slanic Moldova is more than a spa resort. In addition to old hotels and villas were built many rural locations that come to supplant the touristic resort.
The first two hotels in order of service quality are: Hotel Crown Hotel Moldova and Eurovacanţa, which in addition to accommodation and food services also offers a spa and Jacuzzi, medical investigations, recovery procedures: massage, mud baths, water procedures (the pool).
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