Articole - The Slănic Prahova Resort
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The Slănic Prahova Resort
Data publicarii: 19.05.2014
Autor: Ghiuta Mariana si Ghicioc Adriana
Vizualizari: 2355
Our name are Ghicioc Adriana and Ghiuţă Mariana and we would like to present to you the Slănic Prahova resort. We have graduated the History& Geography College, a college that is part of the Ştefan cel Mare/ Steven the Great, in Suceava. Right now we are students at the Tourism and Regional Development Master.
We should you choose the Slănic Prahova resort?
Due to the fact that you have the oportunitty to enjoz a relaxing holiday, in which you could benefit from the miraculous treatment in the salt mine, of the mineral waters, and you can relax in the nature and you can enjoy the sheer beauty of the place.
The Slănic Prahova town is best known as a balneary climatic resort that is full time. The town is situated in the curbuture zone of the subcarpathian, at an altitude of 413 meters. The resort is of national importance, it is open all year round, it benefits of a specific continental climate, a climate usually found around hills covered by forests, it is characterised by pleasant summers and mild winters.
The annual average temperature is 9 contigrate and the annual average of precipitations is 750 mm. Slănic Prahova is, probably the closest balneary climatic resort to the capital city, it represents an oasis of relaxation and an impressive place to treat any rheumatic problems. A small town occupied by warm amd welcoming that know how to value their clients, this is how the resort could be described, this could be seen through the modern services with whitch the public spaces werw equiped.
An important aspect that needs mentioning is the fact that the Slănic Prahova resort owns the only salt mountain in the world, and the second biggest salt mine in the world as well as the second biggest salt mine in Europe, that was transformed in a sanitarium for treating cardio- breathind problems.
The Slănic resort makes use of sodium- clorine waters that are very concentrated, it can also offer an underground microclimate that is specific for salt mines.
The beggining of the salt mine hostory dates around 1685, year in whitch Mihail Cantacuyino realized that in Slănic Prahova there are salt resources and so, wanting to open a mine, he bought Slănic. Between 1689- 1800 three mines were opened in the zone known as Baia Verde- The Green Bath, the salt was exploited in a salt mine the shape of a bell. Following the collapsing of the celings and the flash fluds that had happened in the salt mine, three salt water lakes resulted.
Later, between 1800- 1854, two new salt mines werw opened, on the western part of Slănic mountain, in Baia Baciului and Grota Miresei, that, following the same transformation process, have become the salty laces of today. These lakes that were made salty by men- (antropo-salin) have resulted from the accumulation of rain water in the cavity of old salt mines are renowned for their therapeutic effect due to silt/ mud and salty water.
The therapeutic efficiency of the lakes was first heard of in 1885, when an officer, ill of rheumatism came to Slănic in crutches and let healthy after a series of baths.
The Slănic salt mine has fifteen „rooms”, on a surface of 80 000 square meters and a depth of 217 meters. Forty meters upwards from the ceiling of Unirea salt mine, starts the floor of a smaller salt mine, the Mihai salt mine, Carol mine that does not allow the public in the microclimate rich in aerosols of the salt mine is efficient in treating breathing problems and diseases. Underground, a sanitarium was set up of people ill of asthma, people that are medicaly assisted. One of the underground rooms has a salt museum, named by its author, the corver Iustin Năstase.You can admire the statues of Mihai Viteazul, Eminescu, Decebal, Traian, in the Genesis Hall you can spend time in a huge cathedral. Here, there are football pitches, volleyball courts. The place is used for diverse sport events and athletic competitions, as sanitariums for old people or as cinema decor.
Facilities for treatment
Facilities for baths with mineral waters in bathtub, cold baths in the lake, warm therapeutic mud and ginecological treatments for electrotherapy. The old salt mine (the Union) was transformed in a sanitarium- its depth is 210 meters for the treatment of breathing diseases in the salty air microclimate. The resort has at its disposal a balneary complex and many chateus and private houses for accomodation. The intense tourism is also determined at Slănic, by a mountain not covered in salt and by the existence of the pitoresque Brides lake (425 square meters, 20 meters in depth) that formed in 1914, due to the collapse of the salt mine.
Therapeutical Indications:
Degenerative affections of the body due to rheumatism, chronical breathing affections, neurological affections, ginecological affections and cardiovascular affections. The Slănic resort does not offer services only for people in pain. Programmes of preventing diseases that many occur to sedentary people, programmes destined for people that work in infections environments, and many other programmes of preventing and treatment.
Another category of people that come to Slănic is sportsmen, they can benefit from the salt mine and the facilities of training in the balneary complex.
Types of procedures:
The microclimate in the salt mine therapy with aerosols, electrotherapy, cineotherapy, low frequency electrotherapy, electrostimulation and high frequency microwaves, magnetic therapy, photo therapy, laser therapy.
-severe cardiovascular affections
- liver affections, cidney affections, lung affections
- contagious affections
- haemorrhages
The salt laces composition
Lake |
Color |
Saltiness <g/l> |
Depth <m> |
Surface <mp> |
The1 st Green Lake |
Green |
120- 280 |
40 |
1020 |
The 2 nd Green Lake |
Green- Yellowish |
230- 275 |
17,5 |
1260 |
The 3 rd Green Lake |