Articole - Resort Vatra Dornei
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Resort Vatra Dornei
Data publicarii: 12.06.2012
Autor: Mariana si Valentina
Vizualizari: 2250
We are Budeanu Valentina and Grigore Mariana,master to the Tourism and Regional Development,first year,and we want to share some ideas on resort Vatra Dornei.
We opted for Vatra Dornei because this resort is designed for all ages, addressing the people who want to strengthen the body through mountain climbing or winter sports, or who wish to rest in a bioclimate stimulant tonic with beneficial influence on the nervos system.
Some information….
The spa of Vatra Dornei is situated at 802 m altitude in the Dorna Depression, which is at the confluence of the Golden Bistrita River and the Dorna River, located 112 km from Suceava and 89 km from Bistrita Nasaud.
The heavy rainfalls and the relief organized in terraces favoured the development of a vast water table which emerges by mineral springs.Here is operated industrial mineral water in Poiana Negri and Dorna Åžarului Floreni.
Vatra Dornei is recognized for the quality of the carbonated mineral wather,hypotonie,athermic,bicorbonated wather,sodium mineral wather,mineral wather calcium,mineral magnesium,administrated esternal cure(carbonated baths)and internal cure.
Bioclimate resorts is incentive,there is a hight concentration of negative aeroioni and air purity thanks to the lack of polluting factors and coniferous forest wealth.
The spa has three treatment facilities:
-the treatment of the hotel complex Bradul-Calimani
-the treatment of the hotel Intus
-the treatment of the Villa Ozon
- The treatment of the hotel complex Bradul-Calimani
Was recently extended,modernized and equipped with latest medical equipment. the pyramidal glass roofs,the luminosity and the ambient music creates a state of comfort to all the tourists, even those with health problems.
Therapeutic indications are for cardiovascular disease,rheumatic,neurological,peripheral,associated deseasez,metabolic and nutrition ,and use treatments with carbon baths,parafhin packing,massage,medical fitness,aerosol,laser theraphy.
Monthly arrive in this place 700 tourists
- The treatment of the hotel Intus
Is situeted in the center of the town.
The treatment is equipped with warm mineral wather for:
-hidroteraphy(herbal baths)
-medical fitness
-paraffin packing
Profile and treatment indications:
-cardiovascular diseases
-diseases associated
- The treatment of the Villa Ozon
Is designed to cure or improve cardiovasculare ,post-traumatic
Will be open to visitors starting on june
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