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Articole - Oglinzi Resort, Târgu Neamț

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Oglinzi Resort, Târgu Neamț
Data publicarii: 17.06.2013
Autor: Anghel Alexandra, Hlihor Alina Mariana
Vizualizari: 3107

Oglinzi Resort



            The Oglinzi Resort is situated in the Nord – East Romania, at 3 km from Târgu NeamÈ› town, in a beautiful hilly area characterized by a tonic climate, with moderate temperatures and a negative air ionisation beneficial to health. It’s located in Poiana DăscăliÈ›ei microdepression, in the south-east of PleÈ™u Hill and administratively belongs to the town of Târgu NeamÈ›.



            The Oglinzi Resort was founded in 1889, on the initiative of Târgu NeamÈ› Hospital‘s doctors. In 1850, the healing proprieties of the springs were discovered, and professor Petru Poni established the efficency of the waters for performing spa treatments. The therapeutic qualities of these waters were recognized worldwide (the waters from Oglinzi hold the 5th place in Europe for its therapeutic qualities).

          After experiencing a period of prosperity, until the time of the Second World War, when it was visited by many patiens, including the king Carol II which often came in the summer for profylaxis, some of the resort’s buildings were destroyed in the war. In 1970 the resort was closed and reopened in 1988 with two functional pavilions. In 1998 a new treatment base is inaugurated.


The balneary and climatic potential

            Althought the resort is closed today for renovation, it has a huge balneary and climatic potential. The mineral water are chlorinated, sodium water, sulphated, brom-iodide water, with a mineralisation near to saturation. Spa water treats:


    •  Rheumatic diseases
    •  Dermatological diseases
    •  Respiratory diseases
    •  Post-traumatic sequel
    •  Asthenic neurosis
    •  Ginecological diseases, etc.

          Spa waters were used in external cure by treatments with magnetodiaflux, ultrasounds, diadynamic currents, hot baths, galvanic baths, paraffin packings, massage, medical gymnastic.



           The locals say that the mineral waters have miraculous effects for the persons affected by rheumatism, inflammations, nervous system problems and for the persons with sequels from an accident.

            In addition to the curative properties of the springs, there is a sedative–indifferent bioclimate beneficial for persons that don’t bear the stress of the climatic factors, for example the elders that suffers from joint pain and cardiovascular diseases, children with irritability problems, people in convalescence, etc.

              Moreover, negative air ionization is 1180 ions/m3, indicating beneficial effects on the following disorders: neurosis, bronchial asthma, high blood pressure, and also increasing the balneal value of the resort. 


    Surroundings, tourist attractions

          Nowadays, even if the treatments stopped, the surroundings of Oglinzi Bath attracts tourists through:


        • The recreation center „Oglinzi” –with an accommodation capacity of 170 seats, in rooms with 2,3,4,6 beds and a dining room with 100 seats, playground park for children, sports field, tennis club, wireless internet.


        • NeamÈ› Fortress – located on PleÈ™u Hill, founded by Petru MuÈ™at and consolideted by Ștefan cel Mare


        • NeamÈ› Monastery – has the oldest library in the country (18 000 volumesand 549 manuscripts)


        • Agapia Monastery – painted by Nicolae Grigorescu


        • Ion Creangă” Memorial House


        • „Veronica Micle” Memorial House


        • Buffalo Reservation from DragoÈ™ Vodă – buffalos, secular oaks, etc






        • By car: E85: BucureÈ™ti – Târgu NeamÈ›

                           DN 15B: Târgu NeamÈ› – 3 km

          • By train: Târgu NeamÈ› Station (IaÈ™i – PaÈ™cani – Târgu NeamÈ›)



               From the research made there, we found out that Oglinzi Resort was bought by the investment company SIF Transilvania. Since August 2009, the company has started a modernization project worth 20 millions euros. The project includes construction of a four star hotel complex with an accommodation capacity of 240 seats, a Spa and conference center, and also the development of a recreational area. The project’s completion will rebound Oglinzi Resort on spa tourism market.


        „The mineral water of Oglinzi has miraculous healing effects. You are taken aback how quickly this baths shows their result...”, Florian Cerba (1895), the doctor of resort.


        Oglinzi Resort

        Authors: Anghel Alexandra, Hlihor Alina Mariana

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