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Articole - Geoagiu-Băi resort

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Geoagiu-Băi resort
Data publicarii: 24.05.2014
Autor: Ilucă Oana, Moldovanu Cristina
Vizualizari: 1948

                                           Geoagiu-Băi balneoclimateric resort


The project realized by Moldovanu Cristina and Ilucă Oana,  1st year in Tourism and regional development, has as main goal the recognition of Georgiu-Băi among Romanian tourists, given the fact that is already known and appreciated abroad. 


 I.      Location

Geoagiu- Băi is situated in Hunedoara County.

Regarding administrative position, the balneoclimateric resort is part of Geoagiu city, located at 6 km from it.

How we get there?

To arrive at Geoagiu it can be used the train or by car: from Deva, on the county road Simeria - Rapolt - Geoagiu; on DN7, from Deva through Simeria and Orastie, or from Alba-Iulia, SebeÈ™ through VinÈ›u de Jos, until the crossroad in Geoagiu-Haltă.  



  II.      Historical aspects

The first information concerning the existence of this resort relates to Dacians (I millennium BC), all because of the archeological work made in this particular area.

Many historians consider that the resort’s name, which was the name of a Romans camp, not far away from Geoagiu-Băi, has dacian origin.

GERMISARA means "warm water" (germi = heat; sara = water fall) and it is related to the thermal waters in this area, which were known from dacian era and used by Romans. After colonization (II century AD) Romans renamed it: „Thermae Germisara” and “Germisara Cum Thermis”.

 III.      Specific features

Usage of water with important components, called baths, (băi), in certain locations has become systematic in XX century, when were established the first balneal units as hotels, bungalows, with warm water pools, indoors and outdoors and mud baths.

Thermo-mineral water

In this area were discovered 2 thermo-mineral water storages, on 2 levels, as the main level in the crystalline limestone, the second level in the travertine stock.

After a research by the Health Ministry, the conclusion was that in the main level, the water is pure; the pluvial water makes its way around 15-20 km underground and has about 15000 years, being infiltrated through non-polluted spots.

The second level is a local one, having a multiple supply; the water comes from Clocota river infiltration, rain and water runoff. Age determinations have shown values of 5-50 years.

The springs from Georgiu Băi are calcareous, thermal and ferruginous, with a temperature of 33 degrees, being oligometalic mezothermal water. The temperature and the mineral storage are due to the extended interaction with a magmatic body, being in a cooling process, at 3000 depth.

Owing to its properties, the water is recommended for internal use and for external baths for rheumatic conditions, paralysis, etc., also, the ferruginous mud that can be find here can be used for therapeutic purpose.

In external use, can be treated degenerative rheumatic conditions, inflammatory diseases, peripheral nervous system related diseases, skin diseases, neurasthenia, etc.

For internal treatment, the water treats stomach disorders, ulcers, chronic colitis and disorders of the kidney, related disorders - endocrine, nutritional, metabolic.

Therapeutic mud 

Is the second most important natural agent used as a cure, but ignored until 1983. Since 1988 is exploited in the homologated area, with a thickness of 13 meters.

It is indicated in the treatment of degenerative rheumatism-arthritis of spine and peripheral joints (outside periods of clinical and biological activation), rheumatic abarticular, periartritis (outside periods) and musculoskeletal, peripheral nerve after trauma, dermatologic conditions (chronic eczema, psoriasis).

Local bioclimate

Although the climate is continental, with west circulation influences, the resort is on a depression, sheltered, with no important contrasts regarding temperatures. Precipitations are low on quantity, the duration of sun brightness is high and the air circulation is low. Air ionization level is moderate, but with a great balance of positive and negative ions, with a slightly predomination of negative ions

Were found two points where sensitive values exceed the average (1631 ions + and -/cm3 air) in the Vatramont complex and swimming pool area near the Olympic Basin (1036 ions and -/+cm3 air).

IV.      Accommodation

The resort has 14 classified accommodation units; most of the treatment centers have at least one swimming pool with temperature of 29-33 degrees Celsius.

An example of such accommodation base treatment is GERMISARA Hotel Resort & SPA ****. The center offers various facilities: paraffin wrappings , thermal mineral water pools , swimming  therapy, medical or relaxation massage, reflex therapy, hydrokinetotherapy , hydrotherapy, inhalation cabinet - individual and group -, electrotherapy - high frequency therapy , magnetic therapy, laser therapeutic ultrasound.   

 V.      Nearby tourist attractions

  • Clocota waterfall
  • Roman’s camp
  • Roman stone-road
  • Roman Thermaes (Public baths)
  • Romanic Chapel


Besides these attractions, the resort provides to the tourists some events such as:

  • International Folklore Festival for Children and Youth " Carpathian " - July
  • Folklore Festival of Romanians from Everywhere " Ileana Russian " – August
  • National Fair mineral waters - June

In 2008 Georgiu-Băi resort was classified as a national resort, regarding importance.

After attending the international competition/contest EDEN, European Destinations of Excellence, on theme: aquatic tourism, Geoagiu Băi eas awarded with the 1st place and between 26 and 29 September 2010, was represented at Bruxelles, at the events organized for European day of Tourism.

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