Asociatia Geoconcept Suceava

Articole - GOVORA Spa, uniqueness and challenge

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GOVORA Spa, uniqueness and challenge
Data publicarii: 03.05.2014
Autor: Catalina Loghin, Anca Axine
Vizualizari: 1961

 GOVORA Spa, uniqueness and challenge


The project team (ANCA Axine and Catalina LOGHIN, master year I - TOURISM AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT) considers necessary to promote this resort due to its importance to national and international perspective and limitless exploitation of tourism potential.



Govora Spa is located in the central part of Valcea county, in the valley Hint south of Ridge SLATIOARA where a small depression formed intrahill erosive origin (Govora Carpathian basin in the north-eastern Oltenia).

The town is a spa town at an altitude of 360-420 meters, 21 km from the city forthe (county seat), a branch of the road to Horezu Miami 2 km of DN 67 (forthe - Horezu - Targu Jiu) and 12 km from the railway station Govora line Sibiu - Piatra Olt.

Coordinates: 45 ° 4'48 "N 24 ° 10'47" E45 ° 4'48 "N 24 ° 10'47" E


The area is a pleasant landscapes clot that hide many natural resources both underground and surface. The resort is surrounded by wooded hills, where high concentration mineral spring, iodine, bromine, sulfur, chlorine, sodium and hypertonic. The only place in the country where the mineral is chemically differentiated.  

The climate is moderate continental with some mediterranean influences: cool summers, the average temperature in july is 19 ° C and mild winters, the average temperature in ianuary is -3 ° C. Rainfall is moderate, 800 mm annually.




Between Govora and Buses Valcea Râmnicul frequency of 15 flights per day, providing a link with the railway station and three daily flights with modern coaches to and from Bucharest. By the way E81 Bors - Cluj - Napoca - Sibiu - Pitesti forthe-connected international tourist flows.

Terrestrial distances to major cities in the area: PiteÅŸti - 80 km, Sibiu - 120 km, Craiova - 150 km, Bucharest - 200 km, Brasov - 210 km, Targu Jiu - 100 km.

 Air access can be done through airports closest to the State of Craiova (110 km) and Sibiu (100 km), but usually foreign tourists preferring's airports (200 km).



The name comes from the Monastery Govora resort, located nearby. Govora name is said to come from the thracian-dacian dialect (ie depression, many springs valley).


 Govora is a resort with a history of over 100 years. The reason for the reputation of the area past the borders of Romania is the inexhaustible source of health: mineral springs. The story resort is lost in a distant history. Legends say that George Ciurea peasant digging on 1876, a well and found him burning out water (oil) or salt water. Then they made the first baths in Copa (wooden bathtubs) cells arranged in Govora Monastery, water being brought to sacalele in chariots pulled by animals.

Health resort has been designed in an architectural style early twentieth century I.C.Bratianu, former Prime Minister of Romania and General Dr. N. Popescu Zorileanu resort laying the foundation for the treatment of rheumatic and respiratory. The mineral waters were discovered in 1874 and were first used therapeutically in 1879 to dr.Zorileanu. In 1887 work started digging and capture Govora springs and baths built an establishment with 29 cabins and two pools. Between the years 1911 - 1914 were built Palace Hotel, Spa and Casino Central Pavilion. Nowadays some of the treatment facilities and related buildings being ruined.

Over time, the Romanian soldiers who fought in World War I, and then, every year more and more tourists have benefited from the healing effects of the mineral waters, waters and today can successfully replace doses full of drugs, chemical origin, which may have unexpected adverse effects.

The pleasant ambience of the city, fragrance Belle Epoque, which can be felt just passing by buildings that have been imposed since the beginning of the century architectural wonders, the resort gives it the right to be presented in an objective and those who not had the chance to know.



Natural tourism potential of the resort spa bathrooms Govora is constructed from the following factors:

- the existence of an important and valuable substance spa with unique properties and characteristics and above which provides domestic and international reputation of Baile Govora;

- the existence of the surroundings and a suitable local climate of resorts;

- the existence of a favorable business environment resorts;

- the existence of exceptional atmospheric purity (the resort ozonificat).



         In Govora Spa treatment factors are composed of substances hydro diversified high therapeutic value. Therapeutic factors to quality basic profile that respiratory Baile Govora is ranked sixth in the country among the top 16 spas in Europe and among the top 30 in the world, fulfilling the International Federation of Termalism and Chimologie (FITEC).

        On the concentration of sulfur and iodine mineral water obtained from boreholes and wells, Baile Govora can be aligned with world-renowned resorts like Bains, La Bonzboule (France), Bad Hall (Austria), Salmaggiore (Italy), Marianske, Lazne ( Czech Republic).



         Analyses of mineral water from boreholes, wells and springs made of IMFBRM established indications for therapeutic use hydro substances in both resort to external treatment and internal treatment. Govora is one of the richest states in Europe iodine and bromine water, iodine and bromine are of organic origin.



- high mineral concentration, iodine bromine, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, hypertonic

- sulphurous hypotonic.



- mineral bicarbonate, sulfur, sodium, calcium, hypotonic.

       Govora is recommended in the treatment of respiratory diseases, and degenerative diseases of the rheumatic as well as in the treatment of neurological disorders of the peripheral and central post-traumatic disorders, or related diseases. Complex modern baths are equipped with bathroom facilities and sulfide mineral iodine, warm mud application, pneumoterapii, ultrasonoaerosoli, pulverizatii, inhalations with mineral, physiotherapy, electrotherapy, treatment with bee products. Sanatorium for rheumatic and respiratory diseases for children.

       Mineral mud baths used for treatment Govora is extracted from fossil mud village and is brought to Ocnele.




Respiratory diseases: chronic bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, COPD, emphysema, lung status post repeated respiratory infections, bronchiectasis without hemoptoice episodes, allergic asthma, infectious infecţioalergic sequelae postpneumectorii.

ENT diseases: chronic rhinosinusitis, sinusitis operated, tonsillitis, stepticocice, rinoferinfite, laryngitis, oropharyngeal mycosis.

Associated diseases: chronic gastro, dispensii gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary disease, disorders of the kidney that requires cures diuresis, metabolic diseases, sequelae of rickets, neurasthenia diseases caused by stress.

Musculoskeletal disorders: degenerative rheumatism: spondylitis, coxarthrosis, peripheral arthritis, rheumatism infectious posttraumatic disorders: disorders of peripheral neurologige.




- ultrasonaerosoli, inhalations with mineral

- mineral water baths (iodine and sulfur), bathrooms tree species, carbon dioxide baths

- electrotherapy: low and medium frequency currents, galvanic baths, Shortwave, magneoterapie, ultrasound, laser therapy, paraffin

- physical therapy

- hot mud

- massage, underwater massage

- sauna

- internal treatment with mineral water

- clean land

- solarium.


- disease infectivity contagious

- TB

- venereal diseases

- malignant tumors

- mental illness

- pregnancy from May 3rd.



Govora has tourist accommodation in hotels, villas and campsites.


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