Asociatia Geoconcept Suceava

Articole - Dorn Arini Resort

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Dorn Arini Resort
Data publicarii: 27.06.2013
Autor: Costan Luciana; Carneala Dorel
Vizualizari: 1436










Bucovina is one of the most attractive tourist areas inRomania, historical and cultural heritage; values enshrined in UNESCO confirm this.






“Nowhere throughout Romanian land is not, on so small space, so much wealth of Romanian history, so many precious memories of our past.”(Dimitrie Onciul)






Tourist attraction-common concept in tourism and economic language, mainly express  the affective side, cognitive aesthetics of  the different elements from the structure of the tourism potential,producing impressions especially strong intensity, directly influence, certain segments of tourism demand;  items of interest for tourists in DORNA ARINI are image, greatness,originality, uniqueness, beauty of the tourism potential components. (waterfall, canyon, steep slopes, outstanding paintings ,toweringbuildings, floristic elements,еtc.) trying more or less deeper feelings.


 Natural or man-made elementsthat can be harnessedstraightin tourism activities as a source,providing different forms of tourism: mineral springs and silt which favors balnealtourism,wind,snow and the water mirrors generates sports tourism, different types of  bio climate and the  ozone air-climatic tourism, mountain agriculture-rural tourism,the villages,etc.


The primary touristic offer together whit existing tourism structures namely the receiving structure and the specific infrastructure make up the real tourist offer or touristic patrimony, in which is added general factors of human existence,hospitality,habits, variety and service quality for the good progress of touristic activities.


Relief is the most important and  diversified element of touristic  potential by the landscape valueand trough the diversity of  the tourism practice which can be offered .The main attractions of the relief  are generated  of  steps and varied landforms existing in the area ,but also from the  focally presence of  rocks with bizarre shapes especially along the Bistrita Canyon  from Zugreni.


The territoryof  Dorna  Ariniincludes two  geographical units well    individualized: mountain unit and  depression unit. The mountain unit is represented by MаsÑ–vul Pіеtrosu,subunit of Bistrita Mountains,of Giumalau-Rarau  Massif,and in sud-west are Calinan Mountain.The depression unit is reprezented by the oriental compartment of  Depression Dornelor.


The depression unit is reprezented by  a deep valey of 300-400 m,raported whit the surrounding mountain units.The relief is capitalized as as stand-alone   tourist attractionencouragingthe practice of hiking, climbing, rest and recreation,ecotourism and also as a suport for  other elements of  floral,hidrografic etc potential.Relief whit its components of natural patrimony is the most valuable surce of tourism practice  offering tourist outstanding mountain landscapes ,fresch air,posibility of organizing many marked hiking trails ,practicing recreational  and maintenancesports as climbing,riverrafting,montain –biking, riding,paragliding,hiking carts , carriages and carts.There are stops and mountain chalets with accommodation and mealsamong which we remember Cabana Rarău, Cabana Giumalău, Cabana Zugreni, Cabana Gigi Ursu,and  aalsohermitages–Chiril or monasteis Piatra Tăieturii, Hotel Rarău. The marked hiking trails facilitates acess to accomodations and also to impotrtant touristic objectives:Giumalău, Rarău, Pietrosul, ReÅ£iÅ£iÅŸ, Pietrosul Calimanului,nature reserves ,etc.


Situated  in Depresiunea Dornelor,Dorna  Arini  is surrounded  by the Rarau Mountains, Giumalău, BistriÅ£ei, Călimani, mountains with diverse composition with an  outstanding  landscape, with lofty peaks and covered with forests with a special fauna and flora. The outstanding landscapes ,but also the presence of rare flora - faunal species determined several areas  to be declared natural reserves .


The climate of the area occupied by Dorna Arini is temperate mountain   characterized by two distinct top climates:


- mountain- whose specificity is determined by an  increase in rainfall , wind and a proportional decrease in temperature with increasing altitude.


-  depression, characterized by breezes from the mountains to the valley , moderate temperatures in winter, winds and blizzards rarity.


Solar radiation  hast average values  up to 105 kcal / cm ² / year, of which about 80% is produced in warm semester (April to September). Quantitative solar radiation increases  to  altitude of1400 m, up to about 110 kcal / cm ² / year and above this altitude there is a slight decrease towards the tip, up to 107 kcal / cm ² ). The highest insolation values are recorded in July and the lowest in December .(C. Rusu).


The average annual temperature recorded at the weather station in depression Vatra Dorneiis4.5 Cand the peak2 C. The month with the highest temperature is July and the lowest is January. Humidity is approximately 83% and the average annual rainfall reached635.3 mm. in depression and926 mm.  on the ridge.


Dorna Arini und  Dorna Depression, being mountainous area, rainfall during the year are 790-900 mm,mountain climate is cool with periods of thermal inversion, especially in winter,  with prevailing winds from the West. Cold season usually lasts six months (November to May), being frequently late and early frosts. The number of days of frost is between 170-195 days, the snow is thick and it lasts long reaching 40-70 cmin February, sometimes2 min sheltered places in  cold and  snowy winters.


Climate helps createhighly ambiance for  journey through: rainfall  regime, temperature and humidity, cloudiness atmosphere, mountain breezes.The most common weather phenomena are thunderstorm followed by appearance of the rainbow, frost and fog.


The climate is a prerequisitefor the practice of winter sports through snow depth. The  Dornelor basin has ski  und sledge slopes. Is  practiced hiking sleigh rides, skimobile, ATV.


The atmosphere is rich in aerosols and volatile essences of fir. Also it is highly  negatively ionized , the  zone bioclimatic is considered tonic and stimulating indicated inclimatotherapy.


Groundwater is important as flow and generally emerge at  the contact  of limestones and conglomerates with Cretaceous marly shales.



Hydrographic network is represented by Bistrita river and her tributaries,streams  with flow throughout the year.


Bistrita River crosses from west to east  the village on a stretch of approx.17 km.Hydrographic contribute to enhancingthe  touristic activity  in the area by the presence of elements of tourism potential offered by the Bistrita River, Zugreni Canyon, Zugreni Waterfall,  streams with , huchen. barbell, chub and grayling . It wants to return rafting  for tourism and leisure , along with other sports as rafting, flying fox, fishing




The splendor of this mountainous area is given also by the   vegetation ,fauna and flora specific mountain areas. Vegetation represented by forests, meadows, alpine shrubs, herbs and plants are a tourist attraction in itself  being organizedas a holiday destination, tourism, rest, recreation and leisure in  dendrologic parks, scientific and natural reserves.


Massive presence of forestsin Country Dorna form a protective element for the climate, attenuate wind speed, purify air, increase humidity and temperature extremes abating. Tourist visiting this  area will be surprised by the appearance of rainbow palette of pastures and the variety of shades from  green forest on raw green to dark green of pine forests. Quiet slopes of ridges are decorated  with an multicolored carpet of mountainflowers in summer and white snow in the winter. The air is  strongly ionized and ozonized  and clear blue sky contributes essentially to restore tone and mental health in general.


Tourists can enjoy in  the Land Dornelor of berries such as blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries,rose hip, cranberries and herbs like Rattles, yarrow, elder, bearded bear, celandine or arnica as one of the most sough

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