Asociatia Geoconcept Suceava

Articole - Cacica Spa

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Cacica Spa
Data publicarii: 11.06.2012
Autor: Andreea Ciobanu
Vizualizari: 2375

 Cacica Spa


    My name is Ciobanu Andreea-Georgiana and I am studying master in the 1st year at History and Geography Faculty, Tourism and Regional Development specialization. I took my degree at the Economics Science and Public Corporation Faculty, Services, Tourism and Commerce specialization and ''Octav Onicescu'' Economics College, BotoÈ™ani, Tourism Technician.

      I have chosen to present Cacica Resort because has potential, althogh it is not as developed as the other resorts, if someone would invest the resort will become major tourist attraction.

      Cacica represent the missing part of the sights which can be visited in Bucovina, contributing this way at his diversity.

      The Spa Treatment is part of the Cultural Tourism Complex “ The Nationalities house'',built with european funds, by '' Romania – Ukraine'' Programme 2004-2006 and the investment is about 500.000 euro.

      This Spa was opened in 2011, in july and has a pool with brine water, physiotherapy and massage room. The patients can be auscultate by rheumatologist doctor Ioan IeÈ›cu and they will use jacuzzi brine water, physiotherapy room, massage room and kinetotherapy equipment.

      The '' Nationalitis House'' it is a hotel with 10 rooms, 20 accommodation places, and, with Cacica Resort will develop the area.

     The village Cacica it is at 38 km from Suceava, 17 km from Gura Humorului and 34 km from RădăuÈ›i. Here you can get by railways using Suceava – Cacica station or by road on E58, DN 2E. The nearest airport is at Salcea, at 12 km from Suceava.

The main sightseeing from Cacica are:

  • Cacica Salt Mine

  • Basilica Minor

  • Polish Church

  • Christian Church

The salt mine is different from the other around the country because of his hand mining plant.

  • At 29 m depth was lay out the Holy Barbara Chapel, in first room of mining salt, the miners guarding, and it was set up starting with 1803 by manual graves and you can get here by climbing down 192 stairs where you will find shrine, icons, pulpit, chorus balcony and chandler. On 16 October 1904 Lvov archbishop, Josef Bilczewski sanctified Saint Barbara chapel when he consecrated Romano-Catholic church Basilica Minor. In old times, here was officiate saint liturgy for miners so that they will be protected during their work. Every year, on 4th December it is celebrating religious services by the priests of three confessions ( catholic, catholic-greek,) and ukrainians, polish and Romanian young perform an entertainment.

  • The salt lake is at 42 m deepness ( 10 x 6 m, 1.5 -2.5 m deep ) an it is an artificial lake with salted brine where you can see salt crystal created over time. In the past, over there was a float which could be used by guests, one of them being Carol the First who used in 1902. Also, the young who were going to get married express this intention when they were floating on this lake.

  • The Ballroom is near Salt Lake and in this room happened various events where took part only nobs. In 1918, when Bucovina has rejoined to Romania, the Balroom was called after first manager of state Monopoly, Engineer Agripa Popescu. It is said that this place has an echo that returns eight times.

  • At 38 m depth it is the orthodox chapel, where can be see the Salt Christian Mark, which was founded in 1971 in one of the exploitation rooms when chopped salt has gotten off. According to legend, the cross was carved by a digger and it was handed when new works were started. The basrelieves were made by double citizenship (Romanian and polish) Bolek Maerik. In orthodox chapel it is Stefan, The Great and Daniil Stermit sculpture. While we are going to General Grigorescu room we can admire different basrelieves including Adam and Eva sculptures.

  • The General Grigorescu chamber is the deepest, at 75 m, and it was exploited in 1860-1900. The salt was beared with trolley help special arranged on four wheels and pulled by miners until extraction poin. Here was arranged a sport hall where you can play football, basket, volleyball and even tennis. Moving forward you can reach the Dining Hall, a space arranged with tables and chairs which remind about bucovina traditions. The last gallery it is lay out with sunbed for those who choose to spend more time in resort.

      Even if it does not have large spaces, Cacica resort it is special for his age and his simplicity and it is form from three roominess, two arranged to be visit and one for exploitation. The spa it is most visited for tourism purpose than therapeutic treatment. The temperature in salt it is 10 degrees permanent. The cumulative actionof natural factors and climate tend to be use for improvement of asthmatic patients because the air from spa contains, besides sodium aerosol and calcium, magnesium and potasium with an anti-inflammatory and antiallergic purpose.

     The first use of spa has made in therapeutic interest. Halotherapy or salt mine therapy it is a method of treatment which does not invole drugs administration or other diet but implies the action of salt aerosols on human body.

     From 2005 it was arranged an open air pool with salt water in linen mine yard increasing number of tourists during the summer. According to statistical studies, the most tourists are coming for the benefits offered by salt therapy. Besides Nationalities House, in Cacica are other guesthouses and private homes which can receive tourists. At 20 km distance are different ways which provides a lot of accommodatin units such as Gura Humorului, Paltinoasa or Solca, at price 30- 50 euros.



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