Asociatia Geoconcept Suceava


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Data publicarii: 28.06.2013
Autor: Atănăsoaie Adriana-Vasilica, Baran Roxana - Mihaela
Vizualizari: 1375




             Located in Bărăganul ialomitean (7 km from Slobozia, the county), Amara is documentary with this name in 1882, although traces were discovered on the territory from the late Stone Age.

            The first settlements established in the present territory of the village were recorded in the years 1857-1859, when groups of shepherds settled there came from Fagaras and Muscelului, which joined other groups of pastors in the years 1864-1866. They built their huts and cottages around the lake, forming here a hamlet belonging to Slobozia. Predominantly rural and urban recently.

The resort was documented as early as during the reign of Matei Basarab, but first warm baths were built in 1905. During World War I, they were destroyed. Only after the Second World War were built the first utility for treatment and was arranged around Lake Amara beach, beach used for sunbathing.


- road:

  • Ø BucureÅŸti -Urziceni - Slobozia (119 km) on

DN 2 and 2A;

  • Ø Brăila - Slobozia (95 km) on DN 2;
  • Ø ConstanÅ£a - Slobozia on DN 2A;
  • Ø Buzău - Slobozia (91km) on DN 2C


- train:

  • Ø BucureÅŸti - SloboziaVeche via CiulniÅ£a;
  • Ø PloieÅŸti- SloboziaVeche;
  • Ø GalaÅ£i - Brăila - Făurei - Urziceni - SloboziaVeche.



         Lake Amara, with a length of 4 km and width of 200-800 m, has an area of 132 hectares, equal to almost  four  times the area of Lacul Rosu (Bicaz), St. Anne (TuÅŸnad) and Bucura (Retezat Mountains ) together.

 Low powered from west of a trickle of fresh water that crosses the village, the lake is composed of three s

ections of approximately equal length. Central sector is oriented east-west and has a maximum depth of 2.8 m. At the western end of the central sector and by extension, is a second sector, facing north, with a maximum depth below 2 m, surrounded by banks with shrubs favorite of wild ducks. At the eastern end of the central sector, the lake continues with the third sector, south-facing and north-facing arm, crossed by a bridge. The third sector has only restricted area means the depth from 2 to 3.5 m in arm facing north, in which surface several sources, aquatic plants grow tiny algae called by locals "frog shirt" a common reeds and a whole world of small insects, larvae and protozoa, which, in early June, after  the fall of aquatic vegetation in the lake bottom, begin to form new layers of silt mud with therapeutic qualities.

         The therapeutic qualities of water and mud (409,860 m³) recommended for rheumatic, orthopedic, neurological and peripheral ginecopate caused rapid development of facilities for hot and cold baths, on one hand, and buildings for accommodation and other services serving the other, which led to the development of the resort.


Long before talking about Amara hamlets were recognized therapeutic values of Lake Amara residents empirically using water and mud lake. The Amara Spa Town is thus no intense activity still before the establishment of the first settlements of baths. Chemical research made by Petru Poni in 1887 showed great mud and water chemical composition and have identified significant quantities of magnesium oxide, sodium and calcium oxide. The lake water is sulfated-chloride, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium. Mud has special therapeutic qualities similar to those of Lake Techirghiol. There is also indicated for the treatment of sulfide mineral springs digestive disorders.

              Amara Resort importance lies not only in the therapeutic value of natural resources, but also side effects that draw their existence in the area: tourism development, extension services, available labor employment modernization and infrastructure development, etc..

Tourism is the largest branch development potential of the area, Amara is a location already known as important tourist destination, situated In a strategic point (special road facilities - highway Bucharest - Constanta).

The attraction of the resort depends largely on how well it is arranged the environment, both inside the city and in the village, being known that a well-organized landscape and environment to realize the public or private recreation, beautify cities, place of living and working, reduce air pollution, protect flora, fauna, soil, water quality, enhance and capitalize lands once degraded

Development and maintenance of park or other types green areas in the locality and planning of new spaces is a stimulating element for the development of productive sectors in their area of influence (Material floricultural and nursery arboretum, development and production of materials construction, urban furniture production workshops and specific accessories).

Landscape arranged inside the resort, in the general context of the natural landscape of the village representative may complete or correct what nature has created, or may meet in the same territory similar visual aspect. Ecological, environmental, social and cultural redevelopment of the park is a resource that contributes to the quality of people's lives and encourage economic activity.

Therefore, protection, development and management of the park is very important for sustainable development based on a harmonious balance between social needs, economic and the environment.


In Amara resort, the main curative factors are mineral water and mud of the lake.

• Mineral water of the lake is sulphate, sodium chloride and concentrated magnesian, low brominated and very little iodine, with a total of 28 632 gr 0/0Q mineralization.

• Mud sludge contains organic matter 39%, 41% and 20% mineral water.

In the resort there are facilities for warm baths with water from the lake, warm mud applications for cold baths in the lake and anointed with mud, there are three swimming pools with sunbathing beach, including one recently improved with a capacity exceeding 10 000 places and facilities for physiotherapy.

Steppe climate with very hot summers and cold winters. Summer (July-August) daytime high has been 39.5 ° C and 9.4 º C in the night

The average annual temperature is 10.3 º C and 21.7 C. Average summer months of July and August are low cloudiness and the lowest amount of rainfall during the season.

Weak summer winds, strong winter northeast (North Wind). Pressure on average of 754.7 mm.


Amara is an ideal choice for people with the following affections:

-              Rheumatic diseases (cervical, dorsal and lumbar arthrosis, 


-           Inflammatory rheumatic diseases (joint algal conditions after acute articular rheumatism or after infection outbreak, ankylosing spondylitis);

-           Rheumatic abarticulare (tendinosis, tendomyosis, tendoperiostoze, scapulohumeral);

-           Posttraumatic disorders (posttraumatic joint stiffness, states after operations on joints, muÅŸchiÅŸioase, states as sprains, dislocations and fractures);

-           Peripheral neurological disorders (post-traumatic paresis and paralysis of the limbs,   polyneuropathy, poliradiculoneuropatii sequelae after poliomyelitis);

-           Gynecological (metroanexite chronic secondary infertility, ovarian insuficiency);

-           Associated disease (dermatological, endocrine diseases)

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