
The workshop involved an open discussion and an exchange of ideas rnon a wide range of topics related to the Regional Climate Dynamics rnduring the Pleistocene and Holocene. Field excursions to the sites of rnglacial, and Holocene peat bogs on Northern Romanian Carpathians will bern provided. This meeting was focused exclusively on paleoscience, rninvolving local and international researchers interested mainly in the rnmountain area (Carpathians and Balkan Mountains - the least studied rnmountain area in Europe). The main objective was to link local with rninternational research and to start an interdisciplinary and rninternational cooperation in the Carpathian-Balkan region. rnThis activity is organized by PAST GLOBAL CHANGES (PAGES), Mountain rnResearch Initiative Europe (MRI), Department of Geography - University rnof Suceava, ROMANIA and Applied Geography Association GEOCONCEPT. rnOfficial site:
rnFinal official report is written in to issue of PAGES News - Vol. 20, No.1 (pag. 54)- with a special section on Paired Perspectives on Global Change is available to download at:
rnChairman of the Workshop: Dr. Marcel MÎNDRESCU (Department of Geography, University of Suceava - Romania) / 09 - 12.06.2011, Universitatea Ştefan cel Mare Suceava, corp E, Aula, ora 9
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